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Category: INSS Around the Web

July 9, 2024

The Future of Hybrid Warfare

The NATO Futures Series by CSIS features scholars from the Futures Lab, the International Security Program, and across CSIS. It explores emerging challenges and opportunities that NATO is likely to confront after its 75th anniversary.

July 5, 2024

The Elusive Promise of “Over-the-Horizon” Counterterrorism

Dr. Kim Cragin, INSS Distinguished Fellow for Counterterrorism, has a new journal article on the opportunities and challenges posed by an over-the-horizon approach to counterterrorism.

July 5, 2024

Small, smart, many and cheaper: Competitive adaptation in modern warfare

Q&A with T. X. Hammes, a nonresident senior fellow in the Forward Defense program of the Atlantic Council’s Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security and a distinguished research fellow in the Center for Strategic Research.

July 5, 2024

Lethal Targeting and Adaptation Failure in Terrorist Groups

This study argues that terrorist groups’ command relationships and resources bases can hinder their ability to adapt to lethal targeting. It evaluates this argument by examining Arabic language correspondence from Usama bin Ladin’s compound related to the drone campaign in Pakistan.

May 9, 2024

Unpacking China’s PLA Restructuring: A Conversation with Dr. Joel Wuthnow

Dr. Joel Wuthnow (INSS/Center for the Study of Chinese Military Affairs) was interviewed on the Center for Strategic & International Studies’ (CSIS) ChinaPower podcast.

March 7, 2024

The Russo-Chinese Alliance and Great Power Competition with Dr. Tom Lynch

Dr. Tom Lynch offers us a Great Power Competition understanding of the evolving Russo-Chinese strategic partnership on the Georgetown University “Diplomatic Immunity” podcast. His 30-minute podcast conversation, posted on March 7, 2024, tells us why China and Russia now appear more strategically aligned than they actually are and why they are not destined to be formal allies into the future.

March 6, 2024

America’s New Twilight Struggle With Russia

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine forced Washington to rethink its fundamental assumptions about Moscow. Every U.S. president from Bill Clinton to Joe Biden had sought some degree of engagement with Russia. As late as 2021, Biden expressed hope that Russia and the United States could arrive at “a stable, predictable relationship.” But Russia’s brutal war on Ukraine has radically altered that assessment. It is now clear that the two countries will remain antagonists for years to come. The Kremlin possesses immense disruptive global power and is willing to take great risks to advance its geopolitical agenda. Coping with Russia will demand a long-term strategy, one that echoes containment, which guided the United States through the Cold War, or what President John F. Kennedy called a “long, twilight struggle” against the Soviet Union.

Feb. 24, 2024

CSR's Dr. Tom Lynch Participates in the Inaugural Quad Think Tank Forum

Dr. Tom Lynch participated in the Inaugural Quad Think Tank Forum in New Delhi, India.

Feb. 23, 2024

CSR's Dr. Tom Lynch Participates in the Ninth Annual Raisina Dialogue

Dr. Tom Lynch participated in several panel breakouts in the Ninth Annual Raisina Dialogue in New Delhi, India.

Jan. 12, 2024

Why China can't invade despite it's Taiwanese rival being elected

China is rewriting war plans and could have the military capability to invade Taiwan in ‘four or five years’, Dr Philip Saunders tells Frontline on Times Radio

INSS Around the Web | July 9, 2024

The Future of Hybrid Warfare

The NATO Futures Series by CSIS features scholars from the Futures Lab, the International Security Program, and across CSIS. It explores emerging challenges and opportunities that NATO is likely to confront after its 75th anniversary.

INSS Around the Web | July 5, 2024

The Elusive Promise of “Over-the-Horizon” Counterterrorism

Dr. Kim Cragin, INSS Distinguished Fellow for Counterterrorism, has a new journal article on the opportunities and challenges posed by an over-the-horizon approach to counterterrorism.

INSS Around the Web | July 5, 2024

Lethal Targeting and Adaptation Failure in Terrorist Groups

This study argues that terrorist groups’ command relationships and resources bases can hinder their ability to adapt to lethal targeting. It evaluates this argument by examining Arabic language correspondence from Usama bin Ladin’s compound related

INSS Around the Web | May 9, 2024

Unpacking China’s PLA Restructuring: A Conversation with Dr. Joel Wuthnow

Dr. Joel Wuthnow (INSS/Center for the Study of Chinese Military Affairs) was interviewed on the Center for Strategic & International Studies’ (CSIS) ChinaPower podcast.

INSS Around the Web | March 7, 2024

The Russo-Chinese Alliance and Great Power Competition with Dr. Tom Lynch

Dr. Tom Lynch offers us a Great Power Competition understanding of the evolving Russo-Chinese strategic partnership on the Georgetown University “Diplomatic Immunity” podcast. His 30-minute podcast conversation, posted on March 7, 2024, tells us why

INSS Around the Web | March 6, 2024

America’s New Twilight Struggle With Russia

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine forced Washington to rethink its fundamental assumptions about Moscow. Every U.S. president from Bill Clinton to Joe Biden had sought some degree of engagement with Russia. As late as 2021, Biden expressed hope that

INSS Around the Web | Feb. 24, 2024

CSR's Dr. Tom Lynch Participates in the Inaugural Quad Think Tank Forum

Dr. Tom Lynch participated in the Inaugural Quad Think Tank Forum in New Delhi, India.

INSS Around the Web | Feb. 23, 2024

CSR's Dr. Tom Lynch Participates in the Ninth Annual Raisina Dialogue

Dr. Tom Lynch participated in several panel breakouts in the Ninth Annual Raisina Dialogue in New Delhi, India.

INSS Around the Web | Jan. 12, 2024

Why China can't invade despite it's Taiwanese rival being elected

China is rewriting war plans and could have the military capability to invade Taiwan in ‘four or five years’, Dr Philip Saunders tells Frontline on Times Radio