Through its publications, INSS aims to provide expert insights, cutting-edge research, and innovative solutions that contribute to shaping the national security discourse and preparing the next generation of leaders in the field.
Dec. 20, 2024
Prisoner of the Caucasus?
For much of the past three decades, the South Caucasus has been internally fragmented, with former imperial hegemon Russia attempting to manipulate the region’s multiple conflicts to keep Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia from spinning too far out of Moscow’s orbit.
March 7, 2024
The Russo-Chinese Alliance and Great Power Competition with Dr. Tom Lynch
March 7, 2024 — Dr. Tom Lynch offers us a Great Power Competition understanding of the evolving Russo-Chinese strategic partnership on the Georgetown University “Diplomatic Immunity” podcast. His 30-minute podcast conversation, posted on March 7, 2024, tells us why China and Russia now appear more strategically aligned than they actually are and why they are not destined to be formal allies into the future.
March 6, 2024
America’s New Twilight Struggle With Russia
March 6, 2024 — Russia’s invasion of Ukraine forced Washington to rethink its fundamental assumptions about Moscow. Every U.S. president from Bill Clinton to Joe Biden had sought some degree of engagement with Russia. As late as 2021, Biden expressed hope that Russia and the United States could arrive at “a stable, predictable relationship.” But Russia’s brutal war on Ukraine has radically altered that assessment. It is now clear that the two countries will remain antagonists for years to come. The Kremlin possesses immense disruptive global power and is willing to take great risks to advance its geopolitical agenda. Coping with Russia will demand a long-term strategy, one that echoes containment, which guided the United States through the Cold War, or what President John F. Kennedy called a “long, twilight struggle” against the Soviet Union.
Dec. 1, 2023
Assessing Russian Cyber and Information Warfare in Ukraine
This article examines Russian use of cyber and information capabilities to influence the course of the Ukraine war by analyzing prior expectations, public knowledge of wartime realities, potential reasons for disparity between the two, and the distinct and sometimes contradictory takeaways that have been drawn to date within the analytical community.
Nov. 2, 2023
Toward Integrated Deterrence: Sweden's Role on NATO's Northeast Flank
This study evaluates Sweden’s potential contributions to the US concept of Integrated Deterrence in northern Europe as Sweden and Finland prepare to join the NATO alliance.
Sept. 29, 2023
Agile and Adaptable: U.S. and NATO Approaches to Russia's Short-Term Military Potential
Russia’s war in Ukraine has triggered the worst security crisis facing Europe since the end of the Cold War. It brought a major conventional war of aggression to the European continent and enormous human suffering, but in doing so it has also unified and reenergized the NATO alliance and accelerated efforts to reconstitute transatlantic defense and deterrence.
The Future of Security in the Black Sea Region
19 September 2023 — Please join the Europe, Russia, and Eurasia Program for an online-only event discussing the future of defense and security in the broader Black Sea region.Max Bergmann will be joined by Jeffrey Mankoff and Lisa Aronsson to explore the major strategic issues facing the various powers operating in this theater, particularly in the context of the
Sept. 5, 2023
Constructing Russia's Strategic Space: Empire, Identity, and Geopolitics
The war in Ukraine may be Russia’s most blatant attempt to undermine the sovereignty and territorial integrity of a neighboring state, but it is in keeping with a long history of Russian attempts to dominate its smaller neighbors.
Aug. 22, 2023
Next Door to Ukraine, Moscow’s Grip is Tightening
In Belarus, Georgia, and Moldova, the Kremlin is waging a quiet war to consolidate its hegemony.
July 5, 2023
Assessing Strength of Russian Forces: Retired US Army Colonel
NTD Media interviews Dr. Thomas F. (Tom) Lynch on Implications for US-Russia-China Great Power relations in context of evolving Russia-Ukraine war.