Takahiro Shinagawa

Visiting Scholar, INSS

International Fellow

Shinagawa, Takahiro

Takahiro Shinagawa is an official of Ministry of Defense (MOD), Japan. He has experience in many key positions within the Government of Japan since he joined GOJ in Apr 1993, and now ranks with 3-star military in MOD/JSDF.

Shinagawa consistently believes that Government Service, especially in Defense and Military sectors, is critically significant.

Shinagawa holds a Bachelor of Laws from the University of Tokyo in March 1993.

Shinagawa has three sons, a daughter and a wife. They love skiing in Shigakogen, Nagano, Japan.

Shinagawa has served as a bureaucrat in the following ministries with a wide variety of accomplishments, including: Ministry of Defense  (formerly known as Japan Defense Agency), National Security Secretariat, Cabinet Secretariat, Cabinet Office (Office of Economic Security), Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Japanese Embassy in Beijing, China), Ministry of Finance (International Bureau), and the Ministry of Transport (the current Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism).