Director: Dr. Denise Natali
CSR provides advice to the Secretary of Defense, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and combatant commands through studies, reports, briefings, and memorandums; conducts directed research and analysis in the areas of strategic and regional studies; and engages in independent and leading-edge research and analysis in related areas.
Strategic studies encompass national security and military strategy, to include defense policy, defense organization, deterrence, arms control and counterproliferation, peace operations and small-scale contingencies, transnational security problems, command and control, and future warfare. Regional studies encompass national security strategy, defense policy, and military strategy issues as they relate to significant countries or geographic areas of the world. The Center applies appropriate and cost-effective methodologies to include technology, agreements, and personnel exchanges to initiate and maintain regular contact and appropriate collaboration with important governmental and nongovernmental institutions in this country and abroad.